Friday, January 1, 2010


“All descriptions of reality are limited expressions of the world of emptiness. Yet we attach to the descriptions and think they are reality. That is a mistake.” Shunryu Suzuki

“What do you do?”

“I am a Feldenkrais Practitioner”


During my training, we were told there would be some Feldenkrais confusion. One Trainer told a humorous story to help prepare us for such moments. He was walking in Berkeley when he saw an interesting sign. He asked someone on the street what the sign was advertising? The answer was a gay bathhouse. He told us as future practitioners, we needed to be able to explain the Feldenkrais Method with the same type of simplicity and clarity.

In truth, I am still searching for an enlightened yet concise response to Feldenwhat. At first I used, Feldenkrais is a method that uses movement to teach self-improvement, which creates an image of Richard Simmons crossed with Dr. Phil. While it is somewhat entertaining to think about, it is more than a little confusing. It generates more questions than it answers.

Perhaps the best definition of Feldenkrais is one that is empty. We tend to think of empty as nothing, because it is undefined. But emptiness is free from one’s preconceived ideas and concepts. Think of the Feldenkrais Method as an empty cup. If we fill the cup with orange juice, we think Feldenkrais is orange juice. If the cup remains empty, it has numberless possibilities (oj, apple juice, milk, water, gas, tea, etc.). By not defining Feldenkrais, one’s experience is more open. That way it is not put into a box with movement therapy or bodywork.

It is interesting to hear people’s experience with the Feldenkrais Method. I often hear ideas and comments that are new to me. While the Feldenkrais themes are common, we all respond to it in unique and individual ways.

Now when I hear Feldenwhat, I ask the person what they enjoy doing. Then I tell them how Feldenkrais will teach them to do it better. Hopefully, I am able to intrigue them enough to visit an ATM class or make an FI appointment. As an old Chinese saying goes:
“I hear and forget.
I see and remember.
I do and understand.”

For more information about the Feldenkrais Method visit:

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