Sunday, January 3, 2010

Easy Turning Lesson

Here is a easy lesson that will help you experience the feeling of a Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson.

1. Sit on the forward part of the chair and rest your hands on your thighs. Your feet are flat on the floor and are directly under your knees.

1a. Slowly turn your upper body to look a little toward the rest.
• Just do what is small, comfortable and easy.
• Keep the feet flat on the floor.
• Make a mental note of how far you can see without feeling any strain.
Later you will use this reference point to measure your improvement.

1b. Focus on a spot that is straight in front of you. Keep the eyes looking straight
as you turn to the right. Then return forward and pause for a moment before
turning again. Do this several times.
• Do not use any force. Just do what is easy.
• Let the neck, shoulders, chest and legs stay soft and light.
• Notice how your upper body does not turn as much as before.

1c. This time look to the right as you turn to the right.
• Are you able to see a little further to the right?

1d. Keep your head and eyes in the middle, facing forward and slowly turn the
shoulders and upper body to the right. Do this many times.
• Move slowly and exhale as you turn to the right.
• Notice how the right shoulder is moving back and the left shoulder is moving forward.

1e. Let your eyes and head move to the right as you turn to the right. Then return
to the starting position, pause and do a few more.
• Notice how it is becoming easier and more comfortable to move to the right.

1f. Rest for a moment. You may sit back, if that is more comfortable.
• Feel the difference between the left and right shoulder.
• Does one side feel softer and lighter than the other?

2. Move to the front part of the chair. Sit tall with your feet under your knees and flat on the floor.

2a. While keeping your foot still and flat, gently move your left knee slightly
• Keep the movement small and light.
• Keep your leg and foot soft and light.
• Notice how your lower back, head and shoulders move to the right as your
left knee moves forward.

2b. Simultaneously, move your left knee forward while turning your entire upper
upper body to the right.
• Does moving the left knee forward make turning easier.
• Notice how you get a little taller as you turn.
• Exhale as your turn so your chest becomes more flexible and you may turn

2c. Sit back and rest.
• Does one side feel light, softer or different than the other.

3. Sit towards the front of your chair.

3a. Slowly turn to look toward your left.
• Keep your feet flat on the floor.
• Only go as far that is easy and comfortable.
• Make a mental note of how far you can see to the left without any strain.

3b. Keep your eyes focused on a spot straight ahead. Keep the eyes centered on
this spot as you turn your head and upper body to the left.
• Release any strain in your face, neck and shoulders.
• Notice how keeping the eyes still reduces your ability to turn.

3c. Let your eyes lead the movement as you turn your head and torso to the left.
• Just do what is easy.
• Are you able to see a little further to the left.

3d. Keep your head and eyes in the middle, facing forward, while you slowly turn
your shoulders and torso to the left.
• Remember to breathe naturally.
• Feel how your left shoulder moves back and how your right shoulder moves forward.

3e. Again, look to the left as you turn the head and torso to the left.
• Is it easier to turn?
• Are you able to see a little further?

3f. While keeping your feet flat on the floor, move your right knee a little forward.
• After each movement, let your knee move back to the starting position.
• Do not push the knee forward with the right foot.
• Feel how the knee moves the pelvis forward.
• Let the right leg stay soft and at ease as the knee moves forward.
• Notice how your lower back, head and shoulders turn to slightly to the left as the right knee moves forward.

3g. While moving the right knee forward turn your head and torso to the left.
• Notice how you get a little taller as you turn left.
• Feel how the knee moves the pelvis, the pelvis turns the spine and the spine turns the head.
• Notice how easy it is to turn and how much further you can go.

3h. Sit back on your chair and rest.
• Does your right side feel different than before.

4. Move towards the front of your chair.

4a. Move your left knee slightly forward while slowly turning your entire upper
to the right. Then while returning, move through the starting position while you
move your right knee a little forward and turn towards your left. Do this several
• Make this movement smooth and continuous.
• Let your hands slide on your thighs as you turn from side to side.
• Let the legs stay soft and at ease.

4b. Keep your head and eyes centered and still, as you turn your torso from side to
• Breathe freely.
• Keep your feet flat on the floor.
• Use as little effort as possible.

4c. Now let your head and eyes lead the movement of turning side to side.
• As you turn right, notice how the left should moves forward and the right shoulder moves back.
• As you turn left, feel how the right shoulder moves forward the left shoulder moves back.
• Feel how you can easily turn more to each side.

4d. Alternately, turn your pelvis and upper body to the right while turning your head
and eyes to the left. Then as you turn your pelvis and torso to the left, turn the
head and eyes to the right.
• Your head and torso are moving in opposition.
• Feel how your chin moves to your left shoulder as you turn right and how the chin moves to the right shoulder as you turn left.
• Do this very slowly and easily.
• Less strain or stress will create greater improvement.
• Release any tension in the eyes, jaw, neck or shoulders.

4e. Now let’s see how much you have improved. Move the left knee forward as you
Turn your whole body to the right as far as possible without strain. Then return
Go through the middle as you move the right knee a bit forward and turn to the
• Notice how much further you can see without making any additional effort.
• Feel how much easier it is to turn.

5. Notice if the sensation of sitting is any different.
• Is your weight more balanced on your sitting bones?
• Do you feel a little taller?
• Does you back feel a little more arched?

6. Take a moment to stand. Do you feel taller?

6a. Turn to the right, then go back to the middle, pause, and turn left.
• Does this feel different?
6b. Walk around the room.
• Do you feel lighter?
• Is it easier to do?

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